During the many years we’ve found at Active Invest that for most property investors to change their level of wealth, they must change their attitude to property investing, the very same is true when considering a Passive property investing strategy or Active property investing strategy.
Rather than potentially disagree, please humor me for a moment and read on…
Sometimes we love change and sometimes we hate it.
In fact some of us love to change and others fear it.
Why is change problematic for many of us?
Because change makes us move out of our comfort zones.
It takes courage to leave something familiar and try something new.
One of the jobs of our subconscious mind is survival – to protect us.
It likes to keep things the same preferring safety and security over the untested and unproven.
Haven’t we all heard people say “better the devil I know than the devil I don’t know.”
We tend to believe that if we stick with what we know, with what is familiar, then we won’t get hurt. You would also know that doing the same thing will deliver the same results.
The problem is that in terms of wealth creation, it’s not what we know that’s holding many of us back. It’s what we think we know that isn’t so that is holding us back.
Now I know you are used to reading my thoughts on property, but for a moment I’d like to share my thoughts on wealth creation, which is really why we’re into property anyway aren’t we?
In fact I’d like to discuss why many Australians are not as far advanced with their wealth creation as they would like to be.
They are not as successful as they would like to be and haven’t developed the financial freedom they deserve.
Yet they continue to do the same things over and over hoping somehow things will be different.
Think about it… if you keep doing the things you always did, you are going to keep getting the results you always got. If what you’ve been looking for was where you’ve been looking, chances are you’d have already found it!
Doing more of the same even harder and longer is not usually the answer.
Being willing to change will usually create better results.
However, you can have more because you can become more.
It’s our financial programming – the conditioning we received as a child.
Your Thoughts Lead to your Frame of mind – Your Frame of mind lead to your Actions and Your Actions determine your Results.
It is no coincidence that your inner world creates your outer world.
The programming you received, usually as a child, leads to your thoughts, your fears and your limitations about wealth creation today.
So one of the first steps in change to property investing outcomes is changing your thoughts about the strategy.
How do you think about property investments, Passive strategies versus Active Strategies?
What do you say to yourself?
What is that little voice in your head saying? OK I will just hold this property a little longer, I like it too much. It’s been great for us but isn’t performing now, the rent is good, but we are chasing capital growth NOT income. During our FREE Strategy Review sessions we hear this all the time.
For many of us, our thoughts revolve around fear, scarcity and limitation. The problem is that what you focus on expands. If you think about fear, scarcity and limitation – what do you achieve? Quite often your portfolio stagnates and wealth creation does too.
An Active property investment strategy is not that different, it simply means we chose a different property when we buy for the client using our , a Property Acquisition services that will deliver the outcomes. Properties that deliver manufactured equity, capital growth via renovation, subdivision, knockdown rebuild, infill will give you an improved chance to accelerate your growth faster that a passive buy and hold approach.
Lets face it……
How do we continue to create capital growth in a market where the property cycle pendulum is shifting?
Doing things differently will be paramount to drive sustainable capital growth via Active property investment strategies but first it requires you start to think differently.
If you change your thinking, you will change your actions and if you change your actions – different results will arrive.
Of the property investors we talk to daily, many are stuck in the same financial position, didn’t understand the importance of considering what I’ve just shared with you today.
However, as I’ve already explained – you can have more because you can become more.
Would you like more wealth?
I know you may not be comfortable in me saying this but…the level of wealth you are experiencing is the level of wealth where you are most comfortable – you will never create more wealth than you are unconsciously comfortable with.
If you would like to know how you could change your strategy and move to the next level of wealth from Property Investing find out more about our free Strategy Sessions, by clicking here.
One of the most effective ways to succeed at anything is to emulate other effective property investors. Find out exactly what other successful people have done and follow the steps they have taken to be successful.
Happy Investing !!